OPT PowerBuoy® Completes North Sea Trial

We’re pleased with the completion of OPT’s first North Sea winter PB3 PowerBuoy® deployment with Premier Oil. The OPT PB3 PowerBuoy® was deployed in Premier’s Huntington Field in August 2019 to convert wave energy into electricity to power a topside Exclusion Zone Monitoring™ surveillance system. The surveillance package included radar, AIS, HD/IR camera, weather sensors, and satellite communications.
The project was highlighted in Premier Oil’s full year results report, the company’s annual report to shareholders, and its annual sustainability report. We are excited to work with the company on future phases of its decarbonizing decommissioning efforts.
The PB3 PowerBuoy® was recovered in March 2020 and will be shipped back to OPT’s New Jersey headquarters to undergo a thorough external and internal inspection before being readied for its next mission.